Eagles Nest BBS 8
Developer Tools⁄Additions
exponential sim #10
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* Nondeterministic Systems Computer Simulation 2
* Exponential Distribution
* This program simulates an exponential distribution. It generates a number by the
* equation y = -ln(x), where x is a random number greater than 0 and less than or
* equal to 1 (since ln(0) is not defined). The program also generates the theoretical
* frequency by obtaining the theoretical probability between two points and multiplying
* by the number of samples. From the frequency, the distribution function can be
* obtained by summing the frequencies from 0 to the current point and dividing by the
* total number of samples taken.
* Develop a program that performs the function y = -ln(x) where x is a random
* real number between 0 and 1 (but it cannot equal 0, although 1 is allowed).
* Keep track of the number of times a value y falls between an arbitrary interval
* (which you decide upon). This is the probability that the random variable y
* falls within the interval. The distribution function is the probability that
* y <= a specified value. This can be accomplished by summing all densities
* (what was calculated previously) from the beginning up to the current y.
* The random variable y should be calculated thousands of times and the table
* of distributions should be printed to a file.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MAX_ITERATIONS 500000L /* number of samples generated */
#define MAX_INTERVALS 100 /* maximum number of samples intervals */
#define DISCRETE 10.0 /* number of discrete samples for an interval of 1:
10 samples between 0 and 1, another 10 between
1 and 2, etc. */
#define ONE_TENTH 0 /* indexes for probability array */
#define ONE_HALF 1
#define ONE 2
#define TWO 3
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
long i; /* loop counter */
long count; /* variables to sum the frequencies */
long count2;
double y; /* random variable */
double divisor = RAND_MAX + 1.0; /* used to divide random number; done as variable
to save addition and double conversion time */
long density[MAX_INTERVALS]; /* array stores sampled density */
long probability[TWO+1]; /* array to store probability frequencies */
long theoretical[MAX_INTERVALS]; /* array to store theoretical sampling */
double p_theoretical[TWO+1]; /* array of theoretical probabilities */
FILE *fp; /* file control block pointer */
srand(time(NULL)); /* seeds the random number generator */
Clear arrays that will be incremented.
for (i=0L; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
density[i] = 0;
for (i=0L; i<(TWO + 1L); i++)
probability[i] = 0;
For comparison, the theoretical probability is generated below. This probability
is applied to an interval by multiplying it with the maximum iterations, thus a
number of theoretical samples are created to compare with the simulation.
for (i=0L; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
y = -( exp( -(i+1)/DISCRETE ) - exp( -i/DISCRETE ) );
theoretical[i] = (long) floor(y * MAX_ITERATIONS + 0.5);
p_theoretical[ONE_TENTH] = -( exp( -0.1 ) - exp( 0.0 ) );
p_theoretical[ONE_HALF] = -( exp( -0.5 ) - exp( 0.0 ) );
p_theoretical[ONE] = -( exp( -1.0 ) - exp( 0.0 ) );
p_theoretical[TWO] = -( exp( -2.0 ) - exp( 0.0 ) );
The code below does the actual simulation. A random number is generated by use
of rand() between 0 and RAND_MAX (2^31 - 1). This number must be converted to
to a number varying between 0 and 1 (but cannot equal 0). Thus, rand() is divided
by (RAND_MAX + 1) and subtracted from 1. If the value is less than certain
numbers, their probability is incremented.
for (i=0L; i<MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)
y = -log(1.0 - ((double) rand() / divisor));
if (y <= 0.1)
if (y <= 0.5)
if (y <= 1.0)
if (y <= 2.0)
Now, the random variable is multiplied by DISCRETE. This allows for sampling. A
sample is taken DISCRETE times between two successive integers (such as 0 and 1 or
1 and 2, etc.). If the random variable is within the sample range (less than
MAX_INTERVALS), the density is incremented. The sampling needs to be done
since the function provided is continuous, but a this computer simulation only deals
with discrete numbers.
if ( ((int) y) < MAX_INTERVALS )
density[(int) y]++;
The data is then output to a file. Three output files are created. Two will just
contain the raw data with no labels. This data will be copied and placed into Excel.
The other data is labeled so that reading is quite easy. This file is included
with the report.
fp = fopen("Sim density.dat", "w"); /* raw data for simulation density */
for (i=0; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", density[i]);
fp = fopen("Theor density.dat", "w"); /* raw data for theoretical density */
for (i=0; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", theoretical[i]);
count = 0L;
fp = fopen("Sim distribution.dat", "w"); /* raw data for simulation distribution */
for (i=0; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
count += density[i];
fprintf(fp, "%lf\n", (double) count / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS);
count = 0L;
fp = fopen("Theor distribution.dat", "w"); ./* raw data for theoretical distribution */
for (i=0; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
count += theoretical[i];
fprintf(fp, "%lf\n", (double) count / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS);
fp = fopen("Exponential.out", "w");
fprintf(fp, "Minimum Value Maximum Value Samples Theor Samples");
fprintf(fp, " Distribution Theor Distribution\n");
count = 0L;
count2 = 0L;
for (i=0; i<(long) MAX_INTERVALS; i++)
count += density[i];
count2 += theoretical[i];
fprintf(fp, "%8.1lf %16.1lf %12ld %12ld %16.6lf %17.6lf\n", i/DISCRETE,
(i+1)/DISCRETE, density[i], theoretical[i], (double) count /
(double) MAX_ITERATIONS, (double) count2 / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS);
fprintf(fp, "\n\nP(y<=0.1) = %lf P(theoretical)(y<=0.1) = %lf\n",
(double) probability[ONE_TENTH]/(double) MAX_ITERATIONS, p_theoretical[ONE_TENTH]);
fprintf(fp, "P(y<=0.5) = %lf P(theoretical)(y<=0.5) = %lf\n",
(double) probability[ONE_HALF]/(double) MAX_ITERATIONS, p_theoretical[ONE_HALF]);
fprintf(fp, "P(y<=1.0) = %lf P(theoretical)(y<=1.0) = %lf\n",
(double) probability[ONE]/(double) MAX_ITERATIONS, p_theoretical[ONE]);
fprintf(fp, "P(y<=2.0) = %lf P(theoretical)(y<=2.0) = %lf\n",
(double) probability[TWO]/(double) MAX_ITERATIONS, p_theoretical[TWO]);